Up The Creek is the creation of Martin Prestage, a long time traveller and adventurer. Born in London, England, Martin spent 15 years as a Chartered Building Surveyor, before realising there was another world out there beyond supervising the construction site.

Between 1990 and 1993 Martin travelled independently, by bicycle, between the UK and Australia, and again in 1996 between Calgary and Costa Rica, covering over 40,000km on the same bike! If you prompt the right questions, Martin will be sure to tell some tales from the road.

The former journey (Catford to Croppa Creek) was well documented in New Cyclist magazine, in local and national newspapers, and on international radio and television. Things were never quite the same!

During the second trip on North American soil, Vancouver’s beauty held promise of future dreams, and later became the new home of Martin and his wife Marney. There was however still time to fit in another 6 weeks honeymoon to Southern Africa, making notes on international backpacker lodges, and a 2 month drive across Canada in a 30 year VW Beetle!

Vancouver real estate prices kept dreams at bay, but allowed the conception of another passion — the desire to get people out on bikes. For 18 years LIFECycle was Vancouver’s leading specialist in bicycle safety training for Elementary school children.

With the birth of son Coulter, the family moved to the Sunshine Coast in 2004, and have never looked back. An opening in the Backpacker market presented itself, and Up The Creek opened its doors on June 5th, one month after taking possession! Those first customers helped build their own beds!

Marney is now no longer part of UTC, but remains in the Creek with another flourishing business, a studio called Yoga By The Sea.

Coulter has grown and left the roost. When he’s not busy running his own businesses, you’ll find him snowboarding or biking somewhere in the BC mountains.

In between owning two businesses you might find Martin trail running in Cliff Gilker, on his road bike to Halfmoon Bay, or renovating an old car or scooter. More likely though, he’ll be chopping wood, or building a cabin, or volunteering for someone or other. In those spare moments Martin is also the founding board director of Transportation Choices.

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